Proclamation of Protestation
The union"EIENSOREN"of SHOCHIKU Corp.(general union of cinema and theater) strongly opposes the announcement made by Shochiku Corp. to firstly close down the Ofuna studio and secondly, restructure or "rationalize" the company.
This proposition is an unacceptable action that is the result of mismanagement by a management that is attempting to lay the responsibility on its employees without even asking their opinion.The company has been in deficit 3 years due to a row amongst the current management. Now it is brandishing its idea of "rationalization" to meet the repayment of its deficits (up to 10 billion yen) and somehow find funds. It also has to face the new auditing system that will be introduced next march. It also has to face the new auditing system that will be introduced next March. It is for the same reasons that our company has undergone inestimable losses by "rationalizing" at our expense, that is to say, dissolving the Shochiku-Fuji Company, closing down the Cinema world of Kamakura, selling the Piccadilly theaters of Yokohama and Fukuoka and liquidation the land where the parent company's buildings were located.
This financial degradation didn't happen overnight. It is due to the relaxed attitude of management. Because of this we cannot agree to their irrational "rationalization" which will have no other effect that to create funds by selling its own properties.
Moreover, it is unthinkable to dispose of the Nakaza theater which has played a major role in the promotion of stage play in Japan for more than 300 years! What about the Ofuna Studios that have seen the emergence of the greatest masterpieces and masters of the cinema? Surely these are institutions of which Japan should be proud.
This action by management of letting go of these places of film and creativity demonstrates it's lack of ethics, it's betrayal to the employees and their families and it's total lack of respect to the locals who have been so supportive over the years.
We, the EIENSOREN union of Shochiku Corp., strongly oppose Shochiku Corp.'s antisocial "rationalization" politics and indicate our intention of fighting the irresponsible decision of the management. We choose to reject their decision.
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